Aristotle Metadata announces outcomes of December 2023 IRAP assessment

Upcoming visual improvements to icons and visualisations in the Aristotle Metadata Registry

Soon the Aristotle Metadata Registry will be getting a refresh of our icons and a new visualisation tool, with an upgrade to Font Awesome 5 Pro. Font Awesome is a clean and standard icon pack that provides a consistent look-and-feel across web sites, by providing clear icons for common actions and pages - such as:

  • logging in or logging out of sites,
  • finding your account , groups and notifications ,
  • joining in discussions ,
  • or changing settings

The Aristotle Metadata Registry uses Font Awesome to help users feel familiar with our tool by using these consistent icons and by March 16th we will be releasing a new version which upgrades the icons from Font Awesome 4 to Font Awesome 5.

This change will allow us to add new icons with new styles across the site - but will introduce some subtle differences in some icons. What won’t change is the meanings we’ve assigned to icons across the site. To demonstrate the changes, below we’ve included a side-by-side comparison of the Dashboard sidebar that shows these differences:

Dashboard comparison

In the same release we will also be adding a new metadata mapping visualiser that will allow users to interactively browse through the Aristotle Metadata Model. This new metadata map is designed to give users a new way to expore and understand the different ways they can store metadata in the registry. This will be available through the toolbox and will be released by March 16th.

Aristotle Metadata Mapper

These features and a few more were all discussed at our most recent Aristotle Metadata community webinar - and the recording is now available online. Over 25 Aristotle Metadata community members attended, joined in and were asking questions at the event. We really appreciated the feedback from everyone who attended and based on the positive responses we’re look forward to rolling these changes out soon and can’t wait for the next Aristotle Metadata webinar later this March.

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