Aristotle Metadata announces outcomes of December 2023 IRAP assessment

🚀 Free trials of the Aristotle Metadata Registry are now available as a fully self-managed Software-as-a-Service

Free trials of the Aristotle Metadata Registry are now available as a fully self-managed Software-as-a-Service

On April 29th, at the Hyatt Canberra Aristotle Cloud Services launched a new self-managed version of the Aristotle Metadata Registry.

At our recent executive breakfast Aristotle Cloud Services CEO Samuel Spencer and former Australian Statistician David Kalisch spoke to over 50 executive guests about the value of data and metadata strategy for the public sector.

During this event, Aristotle Cloud Services also launched a new self sign up portal for users looking to trial the Aristotle Metadata Registry in a risk-free way:

On the new product launch, Samuel Spencer said “our new self-sign up process is powered by the same secure, enterprise-grade infrastructure that supports all of our clients. By using the same AWS technology that provides self-healing, backed up services for our clients we were able to build a new self-sign up portal that give access to Aristotle Metadata technologies faster.”

During the event, Mr Spencer was also quoted saying “I believe that Aristotle Metadata will be the next big cyber & technology success story for Australia, and we are proud to have launched it here in Canberra”.

Similar to other self-sign up software-as-a-service products, like Jira, Confluence and Canva, the self-managed version of the Aristotle Metadata Registry provides access to enterprise metadata solutions directly to end users in the public and private sectors. “By building a new self-managed version of our software, users can quickly build business value from their data without having to engage in lengthy procurement processes”, said Aristotle Cloud Services Chief Operating Officer Lauren Eickhorst.

The Aristotle Metadata Registry is now available for organisations looking to begin their metadata registry journey with a 6 month free trial, sign up today at:

Samuel Spencer and David Kalisch

Samuel Spencer (Left) and David Kalisch (Right) at the Aristotle Metadata launch