Aristotle Metadata announces outcomes of December 2023 IRAP assessment

Aristotle Metadata Registry v4.5.0 released

Aristotle Metadata Registry v4.5.0 is now available to all clients.

This is a minor feature release which adds support for typeahead dropdowns for some non-metadata items, adds a new API endpoint for getting lists of metadata changed over time and adds a new status GraphQL filter for metadata items.

Previously, Aristotle only provided a standard dropdown when selecting Managed Items, such as Representation Classes. This improvement adds support for typeahead dropdowns to be used for managed items.

Other features added in this release include:

  • Implementing filtering on statuses in GraphQL
  • Adds concept delta endpoint to return the most recent changes to each item across a date range
  • Implements autocomplete select component for representation classes

The following issues have also been resolved:

  • Only notify active users of signups
  • Various small performance improvements for autocomplete statuses
  • Performance improvements to id search in concept autocomplete dropdown
  • Allow value domain to be saved with no classification
  • Fixes id search in concept autocomplete dropdown

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